Monday, December 7, 2009

Octagon Poker Tables - 4 Deciding Factors

An octagon poker table or table top adds a remarkable change to your home poker games. The richly colored poker felt and padding can really add to the enjoyment and excitement. The design also fits better with a bar or game room's decor than egg-shaped tables.

One problem numerous people have with the oval tables and tops, is the room they want to set them. A normal oval table is seven or 8 feet from end to end, so unless you have a big recreation room or comparable space to set up, they just won't do for a large group people. Unless you have a dealer, dealing cards to the other end of the table can be a bother, and the pot is unreachable by the people at the ends.

This is not a problem on octagon poker tables. They accommodate as many eight players surrounding an octagonal shaped game area that is about 48 inches across. The pot is easily accessible by everyone and dealing is much more efficient.

An additional great benefit is that they possess a more classy feel. They just look more attractive in a more old-fashioned setting like a bar or recreation room. You can also find them in maple and other hardwoods adding a genuine touch of class.

Third, there is the problem of space. They are perfect when your regular game is played in a kitchen or small area. You can pick the octagon table tops if you possess no extra room at all, since you just put them on top of a current table. On the other hand, if you have space available, an octagon poker table is a good choice. When you are through with them you can also fold their legs up and store them away.

Best of all is that octagon poker tables are not as expensive as the ovals. The table tops are even a great deal less than that. So if cash is an issue, they are your top option. For a sport room or if you don't have a suitable table to use a top on, the octagon tables are your best choice. The tables are likewise a great upgrade if you already own a table top and are interested in the oak frames and other top end options.

Whether you decide on an octagon poker table or table top, your holdem games will definitely be the better for it. It will make all the difference in the world to your home-based poker parties or your recreation room.

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